Save the Earth, Save Gas and Never Miss a Day of Work

You’ve watched your hard-earned dollars get sucked into the gas pump, as National gas prices have hovered around $4 per gallon. And each time you fill up, the tiny red ticker on your dashboard takes even more green to make it budge just a little bit higher. Basically, now you’re getting less bang for your buck.

According to the Atlanta Business Chronicle and Bloomberg News, oil prices may actually be dropping due to the scheduled meetings of Iran and the United Nations Security Council, easing international tensions that centered on oil distribution.


But gas prices are tied to so many factors, including the economy and international politics. So the notion that gas prices will continue to fall (especially now that the summer driving season is upon us) is speculative at best.


With high gas prices, as a business, you will face an increase in prices on everything else (basically anything manufactured with crude oil or any product transported by vehicles that use it) because our economy is intrinsically linked to oil usage and, therefore, the price of oil. Additionally, it will cost more for your employees to get to and from work, and if you are paying for their travel expenses, well, there goes even more money.


So what’s the solution?


In Georgia, the Clean Air Campaign, a non-profit organization founded in 1996, urges drivers to carpool and/or “telework,” or telecommute, to reduce traffic congestion, and (above all) improve air quality by cutting back on the noxious fumes emitted by vehicles.


With a hosted VoIP phone system, you can save money on gas, improve air quality (Earth Day is coming up!!) and never miss a day of work…because you’re working from home.


Just take your Cisco or Polycom phone home with you. Plug it into your router to connect to high-speed Internet, and (voilà!!!) all your business correspondence continues, uninterrupted.




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