Ring in the new year with VoIP… literally!

You’ve heard of VoIP, and you’ve probably heard that it is an amazingly cheap alternative to a traditional phoneline.  Just how much can you save?  By using your business’s internet connection for your phone system, 2013 can be a year where you see:

  • Lower costs on monthly service
  • Unlimited long-distance calling in the United States
  • Cheap and sometimes free (!) international calls
  • Easy addition of phone lines and extensions (instead of asking the phone company for a new phone line, you just modify software!)

Neither “savings” nor “galore” are quite big enough to cover it, but yes, VoIP has “savings galore.”

But monetary savings, which is nothing to sneeze at, is just the beginning of how VoIP can help you do business.

Expand your market.  Obviously one of the big hurdles in expanding is how much it costs to call out-of-town markets.  But because the internet is everywhere, with the right VoIP plan, you can call anywhere in the U.S. for free, and possibly anywhere in the world.  Canada markets?  Open!  Mexico customers?  Ready!  Calls to Djibouti?  You just never know!

Expand your workplace.  With a traditional phone system, trying to incorporate a cellphone can be a headache.  With a VoIP system, it’s as easy as a “virtual extension” and that’s pretty darn easy.  Not only can VoIP systems handle traditional handset phones, but cell phones are not a problem.  Gone are the days when your salesperson is stuck in traffic or in some snowed-in airport and can’t make it to the office for a meeting!

Beyond that, think about including tablets in your phone system; consider how easy video-conferencing will become too.

Expand your productivity.  Voice-mails on one device, faxes in a file in the corner, e-mails on the computer, and one of them has the information you need, and you’re not sure which.  With the correct VoIP software, they can all be found in one central location, easy to find and easy to search through.

Plus, you know how we all chuckle at how computers are going to help us in “going paperless?”  With paperless faxing, available with VoIP, it’s a little closer to reality.  Getting a fax straight to your e-mail?  No worries about toner there.

In 2013, it’s beginning to look like you can’t not switch to VoIP.  If you contact us, we can get you started.