A Collection of Helpful VoIP Posts

I started at Telonium over seven months ago, and I’m going to be real honest with you, I’d never even heard of VoIP until my interview with Telonium’s founder, Frank. He is an absolute expert in all things telecom and has been my number one resource for learning all about VoIP technology. However, I don’t know what I would do without that wonderful little tool called the Internet. I’m one of those people that wants to do as much research as possible about a new topic, and there have been so many resourceful articles and blogs that have helped me along the way.

I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorites, along with some Telonium posts I believe are useful too. If you have any great findings please share them in the comments section below, I’d love to check them out!

Helpful VoIP Blog Posts:

Telonium Blog:

Photo Credit: Stéfan via Compfight cc